CUIL Search Engine - Is CUIL got Success or Failure

CUIL Search Engine - Success or Failure

Recent buzz in search industry was about CUIL search engine, to some extent CUIL is considered as failure. I was in discussions about CUIL features, it's success & failure and what I think about CUIL as a Search Engine MarketingProfessional.

Well my initial thought about CUIL was same as now everyone is also talking about that CUIL is failure. CUIL was claiming that it has indexed more pages than GOOGLE in their database, but if you ask to user's everyone one willprefer GOOGLE over CUIL, Yahoo or any other Search Engine. You can track discussion over Interactive Marketing Blog "Why marketing Cuil as Google Killer a bad idea?" by Sampad Swain and over "CUIL made a fool of itself" by Sardar Mohkim Khan.

Here are the comments over "Why marketing Cuil as Google Killer a Bad Idea":-

Why Marketing "Cuil" as "Google Killer" a bad idea? - It will be very BAD idea, I had also checked for few resuls at CUIL comparing the results what they dispalyed with Google (No Doubt), Yahoo & MSN. To me CUIL seems zero to none.

I was not satisfied with the results they display and most of them were irrevelant with the kind of Query I searched for.

I agree they had indexed more url's than Google but still in algorithm & serving accurate listings they can never beat Google.CUIL looks attractive to eye but won't be able to solve the purpose of search.

Afzal Khan Homepage 07.29.08 - 6:35 pm

Hey Afzal

Could not have agreed more on those points you just mentioned. Moreover CUIL claiming that they are better than Google in one way can be one the reasons for their demise in the future.


So you're right my friend. Right on the money!

But let's hope they come up with something better than they claimed!


Sampad Swain Homepage 07.29.08 - 6:53 pm

Offcourse you can say I may be right from business point, but all these were views based on the kind of things which I look from any SE.

To me organic listing are most important and the score on which they assigned rankings. But CUIL is completely failure to my views.

Simply go to CUIL & Google search for "INDIA" and compare the results.

You can understand what a user or atleast SEO Professionals like me want to see at results.

Based on their SERP's results I can say CUIL is overhyped and is going to be failure.

Afzal Khan Homepage 07.29.08 - 7:19 pm

Hi Sampad,

I think you should read what Google's Chief Economist thinks about search .. on my blog :D

Saurabh Garg Homepage 07.29.08 - 8:58 pm

Saurabh: I read and commented too on your blog. Few things are clear after the much hyped launch of CUIL, that it far away from what it promised. And as a marketer, didn't like the way they launched it except they gathered a lot of visibility and mass attention.Other than that, didn't nudge my expectation on any front to be precise. What's your thoughts on that?

Sampad Swain

Here are the comments over "Cuil made a fool of itself":-
Andrew Careaga
August 8th, 2008 at 06:10
This graph illustrates what many of us suspected — Cuil would be a flash in the pan. I doubt it can recover.
Afzal Khan
August 8th, 2008 at 06:24
Cuil was total failure since when it was launch and it was able to grab attention just b’coz of so much hype. After launch when it was available people were getting the feeling that CUIL will fail and it seems it is drowning.

Between just after launch there was discussion over SAMPAD SWAIN blog (

And here is my feedback comment about CUIL:-Why Marketing “Cuil” as “Google Killer” a bad idea? - It will be very BAD idea, I had also checked for few resuls at CUIL comparing the results what they dispalyed with Google (No Doubt), Yahoo & MSN. To me CUIL seems zero to none.
I was not satisfied with the results they display and most of them were irrevelant with the kind of Query I searched for.

I agree they indexed more url’s than Google but still in algorithm & serving accurate listings they can never beat Google.

CUIL looks attractive to eye but won’t be able to solve the purpose of search.

August 8th, 2008 at 10:33
It’s hard to imagine Cuil doing anything but incremental changes to what Google’s done. And even that would take years of effort. Now, as an added obstacle, they have to deal with the backlash of making such gigantic claims about their search results. has taken a different tack. We have a full web index, but we change the results based on the surfing activity of our user base (now over 2,000,000). It’s in alpha, but I’d be curious to hear your thoughts.
Imran Hussain
August 8th, 2008 at 10:53
Thanks for telling us about this, Jennifer. We’ll check Me.dium out asap.And for Cuil, I don’t think Google would be worried of losing the search market to anyone in the near future. They probably are THE website which might around a billion or more loyal followers, plus the time, skill and research they’ve done on search is far greater than their competitors, and they wouldn’t be sitting idle watching the competition struggle to beat them at their own game. I think if someone will better Google’s search, it’ll be Google itself.
August 8th, 2008 at 21:19
at first glance i thought cuil wil become google killer but whe my search on cuil was unexpected i got reply from my mind Cuil is self killer
Sardar Mohkim Khan
August 8th, 2008 at 23:09
Thanks for the comments. There is not much we can say as to how Cuil actually plans to BEAT Google, ‘bluff’ that’s all Cuil is about. I still recall they were all over Techmeme and it had a crashdown immediately. I guess they focused more at creating a hype over beating Google rather than going after improving the very basis of a search engine.
And as Imran has said, there is nothing coming close to beating Google than Google itself.

I will also close this post with statement by Imran - "No one can beat Google, by Google itself"


Afzal Khan
Search Engine Marketing Professional


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